Welcome to Voices.help!

This list of rules helps me manage the voices when they bother me


  • 1.) They dont know more than you.

  • 2.) They dont know what other people are thinking.

  • 3.) They can sometimes be helpful, kind of like a driving instructor for your life.Always remember the first two rules and if questioning something they say ask a medical professional, a close friend, or even the bot on this page if the information given to you is safe and useful.

  • 4.) They lie often. Almost everything negative they say is a lie.

  • 5.) The wrong drugs will make them worse and the right drugs will make them better.

  • 6.) Schizophrenia is whats called a heterogeneous disease which are caused by many different factors including your genes and environment. In other words, this means the you in a different reality where things in your life went differently could not have schizophrenia.

  • 7.) Ask your doctor about "Clozapine" when the right drugs don't work.

  • 8.) Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) has been modernized, is now preformed under anesthesia, and is a accepted treatment option for those with treatment resistant schizophrenia when the right drugs don't work.

  • 9.)
    Hopefully, one day soon Neuralink will be the solution to schizophrenia.
    Feel free to contact me Musk if you want someone's brain to pick on schizophrenia; I might even let you stick your thing in me, 😉.

  • I am a web developer who has treatment resistant schizophrenia and have been positive for auditory hallucinations, constantly based off of the sound level around me, for a long time. I just wanted to let you know that I built this website from scratch, and many other websites, so, please, don't give up on life, or believe you can't achieve anything, because you have schizophrenia.